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SPM 中五数学 (国英双语版)

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  1. KSSM Semakan Form 5 Math 完整答案 PDF ( 请自行下载 )
  2. Chapter 1 Variation / Ubahan
    27 Topics
  3. Chapter 2 Matrices / matriks
    44 Topics
  4. Chapter 3 Consumer Mathematics: Insurance / Matematik Pengguna: Insurans
    56 Topics
  5. Chapter 4 Consumer Mathematics: Taxation / Matematik Pengguna: Pencukaian
    55 Topics
  6. Chapter 5 Congruency, Enlargement and Combined Transformation / Kekongruenan, Pembesaran dan Gabungan Transformasi
    41 Topics
  7. Chapter 6 Ratios and Graphs of Trigonometric Functions / Nisbah dan Graf Fungsi Trigonometri
    41 Topics
  8. Chapter 7 Measures of Dispersion for Grouped Data / Sukatan Serakan Data Terkumpul
    40 Topics
  9. Chapter 8 Mathematical Modeling / Pemodelan Matematik
    13 Topics
  10. number base
    26 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  11. Did you know? 你知道吗? (数学常识的应用)
    1 Topic
Lesson 2, Topic 1
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Chapter 1 Sample PDF File 请自行下载

冰姐老师 September 30, 2024
Lesson Progress
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